Online Reputation Management (ORM)

In the world of business the saying ‘even negative press is good press’ doesn’t stand up in the court of who’s got the competitive advantage. In fact any promotional activity you do right now will mean very little if you aren’t prepared to work on your online...

Penguin 2.0

Feb 2014 Penguin 2.0: Preparing your SEO armor in a few months Last week, Google Engineer and head of search spam, Matt Cutts shared some new expectations and warnings to SEO. He discussed some clearer update guidelines that SEO practitioners should be keen about such...

Top 5 Tips to Become Better at SEO

Top 5 Tips to Become Better in SEO As a small business owner or consultant, getting on the Web and developing your presence can be scary enough. When you’re in the thick of things, you don’t even want to hear terms like search engine optimization (SEO) or Internet...

It’s the Google dance!

If you ask any experienced Search Engine Optimization specialist then they will tell you that one of the banes of their life in the past was the ‘Google Dance’. Every Search Engine Optimization expert dreaded it. They absolutely loathed finding that their website...